
Retour 06.06.2014

E-health Day

Digital health, or e-health, is one of the major issues of the 21st century. The first e-health day on 6 June 2014 will be a chance to discover both Swiss and international expertise in this field. This expertise is found in applied research as well as in young companies and well-established SMEs. The event, drawing above all on real-life case studies, will give all those attending a chance to gain a relatively exhaustive overview of the issues and the main players in the field, as well as the challenges that await them.

This day is also intended to be an exchange and networking opportunity.

We look forward to welcoming you!


Opening doors at 8:30
Normal price: CHF100.- by person
Earlybird price: CHF 60.- by person (until 8th of May 2014)
Coffees, lunch and aperitif are all included.


The program is available here.

The webcast of the day is now available.

All the presentation from the day are available here.


E-health Day
027 606 88 60

Liste des participants

Nom Prénom Entreprise
Fondation The Ark - Rue de l'Industrie 23 - 1950 Sion - Suisse